Get Our Books Off the Ground
Donate today to support the Book Bundle project
$225 raised
$1,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
May 2019 UPDATE:
Our book room looks incredible. We are so excited to report that our book room is organized and bustling with action. Over 1,200 books have been bundled and send to the homes of 100 Alaska children, thanks to you.
Each donation made is one more child with a collection of high-quality, age-appropriate books. One more family with the resources they need to support their child's early learning. With your help we know we can do better to serve the nearly 7,300 Alaska children currently living in an area without Imagination Library. One Book Bundle at a time.
February 2019:
Dear friend - meet our book room!
Each month Anchorage Imagination Library is able to reclaim hundreds of books that cannot be delivered to a child's home. Sometimes it's because they've moved, sometimes it's just a bad address. As we work with parents to update their address we are often left with stacks of books waiting for their new home. We have big plans for these books, but first, we need your help to LITERALLY get our Book Bundle project off the ground.
As you can see our shelves are overflowing!
Your donation today will help us pay for new shelves to house these books, and ultimately get them into the hands of Alaska children.
About the Book Bundle project:
Thousands of Alaska children live in a community not served by one of our 28 Imagination Library programs. These communities are often rural, many without even a public library. We know that these families need books in the home and early learning resources as much as anyone. And we have closets full of books! Thanks to a generous grant from Rasmuson Foundation, we're now able to send Book Bundles with a collection of these books and early learning resources directly to these families.
Your support makes it possible for us to truly build this project from the ground up, and reach even more Alaska families with they resources they need to start school ready to succeed.
Thank you.